In the first quarter, we worked on miss Judy's roof, replacing areas that had been leaking. Much to our surprise, we were needed back at miss Judy's house again. The new work was solid, but the remaining parts of the original roof that were not leaking prior had formed leaks. So we headed back to fix the rest of the areas.
Next, we moved onto helping Julia with dump runs, Mary with yard work, and Shona with a lot of weed eating.
In addition, we found ourselves with another major roof repair. This particular situation was probably the roughest project we have seen in 2024. Michelle not only had major leaks in her roof (like miss Judy), but also a terrible case of black mold that had formed inside her home from the malfunctioning roof. It was so terrible that we debated even getting photos of the project. On top of having the roof and mold issue, Michelle was bound to a wheelchair and had her autistic son living with her. This truly was an emergency. Thank God for our guys... they stepped in and took care of everything. They loved on Michelle and served the kingdom in an especially important project.
It's so heartbreaking to witness the conditions that some people live with every day, and they feel like they have no hope of a better future. The need for hardworking, reliable manpower and funding to help our community is vital in the lives of so many in these mountains.
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