This month we hosted three projects that were all quite different. First off there was a need for one of our students to secure a vehicle as his old one was falling apart. Through some phone calls, repairs, and funding, we were able to freely give this young adult a van. This member is one of our most outspoken and on-fire young adults when it comes to his faith. He has encouraged so many of us with his passion for the Lord. It was truly wonderful to be able to give back to him.
Our second project came in the form of helping out another low income housing complex. This one was for the Tanyard Court Apartments in Blairsville GA. We sent a hard working group of our guys out to do much needed landscaping. These willing hearts made an impact on the faculty and I'm sure on the residents.
Our third and final project was for the Copper Basin Crisis Center. There were dire needs for both in electrical and landscaping. The electrical in particular was of immediate attention as there were exposed areas that could have caused great harm to the families and especially children that visit the center throughout the year. The staff was so grateful that they sent us a very kind card full of generosity and hope as they continue to take on the great needs of the Copper Basin area.
Praise God for His hand in all of this. Vessel, in some way, has managed to promote the kingdom, even if just a little bit, and that is something we treasure.
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